chevron_rightCan I pay my HOA dues online?
Yes you can. Contact Cambridge Property Manager's office to set this up. 239-249-7000.
chevron_rightHow do I contact our cable/internet provider - BlueStream?
BlueStream Fiber is the community's cable and internet provide (included in your dues). They also provide optional land line phone service. To contact them use the dedicated Lakewood phone number 239-308-0799.
chevron_rightWhat days are my sprinklers supposed to come on?
Take a look at this image to find the date/times your sprinklers should start. Reminder, the clock is controlled by Lakewood Community Services (the master association). DO NOT adjust these dates and times as it is setup to ensure blocks of homes get watered. The pumps can only handle a certain number of homes at a time.
chevron_rightWhat do I get for my HOA dues?
That's a great question. Here's a small list of what you get with your dues.
- BlueStream Fiber cable and internet
- HDTV service with hundreds of channels included.
- Online DVR with hundreds of hours included.
- 3-small cable boxes (size of a deck of cards).
- Premium sports channels are included.
- Fiber internet with speeds of 600 mb download and upload. With increases every 2-years.
- Plume Wi-Fi mesh network that will cover your entire house. (2-pods included).
- Peace of mind that your next-door neighbor won't be parking in the grass and must maintain a tidy property.
- BlueStream Fiber cable and internet
chevron_rightWhen is trash picked up?
Waste Management picks up trash on Monday's and Thursday's in our neighborhood.Monday
- Green lid cans (trash)
- Bulk pick-up
- Yard waste (in yard cans or bundled)
- Recycling can (yellow lid)
Thursday- Green lid cans (trash) only
chevron_rightHow do I report a concern, problem neighbor, or irrigation issues?
Simply click on the link "REQUEST MANAGER" which can be found on the left side of the page. Or click here now.
chevron_rightI want to alter the look of my property what form do I need?
If you wish to make changes to your property you must first fill out the Building and Exterior Change Request form, located in the Documents & Forms section of the site. It must be approved prior to any changes take place.
chevron_rightWhere do I find previous meeting minutes?
Simple, just click on Documents & Forms from the menu on the left or click HERE.
chevron_rightWho do I call if I have a problem with my bill?
Please contact the property management company - 239-249-7000.
chevron_rightWhy were some of my yard waste not picked up?
- No branches thicker than four inches in diameter.
- No more than ten (10) bundles or containers.
- No Plastic Bags.
- Placing in personal containers no larger than 35 gallons, weighing no more than 50 pounds when filled.
- Placing in paper bags.
- Tying in bundles no longer than four feet in length
*Source Collier County Yard Waste Collection website, click here. -
chevron_rightWhy is it not permitted to walk dogs on the golf course property?
The Lakewood Country Club owns the golf course that our neighborhood is surrounding. It is private property for Country Club members only. Dogs feces and urine can damage the course grounds. Additionally some pet owners are irresponsible and do not pick-up after their pets causing unsightly messes that golf balls and golf shoes may encounter.
*Homeowners within Lakewood SF-1 HOA found to be violating this could be charged with trespassing and littering for not picking up after their pets. In Collier County it is $250 fine. -
chevron_rightWhy is it important to ensure a properly functioning yard light is maintained?
Lakewood has been fortunate to avoid needing Collier County installed street lights. The reason this has been the case is because of the yard lights in each of our yards. Having functioning street lights helps with security and aesthetics of our community. Please refer to the By-Laws for additional guidance.
chevron_rightWhy is it important to attend the annual meeting or respond to proxy votes via the mail?
Your opinion counts! Lakewood belongs to each homeowner, and the board (elected by you) cannot protect your assets-your home and your neighborhood-without your input. Please don't waste the HOA dues, mail in your proxy votes as soon as you get them, make your voice heard.
chevron_rightI'm having a large party, can my guests park on the curb or lawn?
Guests can park on the street in front of your home or your neighbors home with their permission. It is not allowed for any vehicles to be parked on a lawn at anytime (Collier Code Enforcement and Lakewood SF-1 HOA by-laws). Vehicles not in the driveway cannot remain there overnight.
Visit Us:
Office Hours:
Monday - Friday: 9am - 4pm
Saturday/Sunday/Holidays - Closed